Checking Tire Pressure in Your Vehicle

January 10, 2022, 9:52 am

We recommend taking five minutes at the beginning of each month to check your tire pressure to help save you money and headaches down the road. But how do you check your tire pressure? We wrote this blog just for you to learn! It’s not the tire that supports the weight of your vehicle but rather, the…

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Check-list for safe driving

January 10, 2022, 9:52 am Car Maintenance

Follow this check-list for safe driving! Check lights and wipers for visibility. With shorter days and inclement weather ahead, make sure lights and wipers function properly so that you can see and be seen.  Check the exterior and interior lights and replace any that are dimming, rapidly blinking or…

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Check Engine Light

January 10, 2022, 9:52 am

Most of us in North Kansas City, MO have experienced the sinking feeling in the pit of our stomach when the check engine like comes on. Don’t worry, this is not a self-destruct light. It simply means your engine needs some attention. It comes on without warning and always seems to be at an inopportune…

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Charging System Info

January 10, 2022, 9:52 am

The modern charging system hasn't changed much in over 40 years. We're going to break this down into pretty basic concepts to just make sure we understand that's happening in our car. The purpose of the battery is to act as a storage location for voltage. All electrical items in the car, such as the…

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The braking system on your vehicle is just as important as the drivetrain that moves it under power. While your engine and transmission provide the “GO”, it’s your brakes that slow you down when you’re ready to “WHOA”! On all vehicles, brakes take a beating every time they are applied. They take…

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